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IV Vitamin Therapy

Aesthetic & Wellness Center located in Rockville, MD

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy replenishes your body’s nutrient supply so you can have more energy, more hydration, and better immunity among other possible benefits. At Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness in Rockville, Maryland, the expert team makes tailored recommendations and supervises your IV therapy sessions for your safety. Call Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness or schedule an IV vitamin therapy consultation online to review your options today. 

IV Vitamin Therapy Q & A

What is IV vitamin therapy?

IV vitamin therapy is a transformative wellness service that permeates your body with a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients allow your body to function at peak performance, correcting any existing deficiencies you have. IV vitamin therapy also hydrates you to fight dehydration and its subtle (and not so subtle) symptoms. 

There can be many different components in your IV drip for vitamin therapy, including:

  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Antioxidants

Your body typically absorbs nutrients slowly because they usually travel through your digestive system. In many cases, your digestive system cannot fully absorb the nutrients you intake. With IV vitamin therapy, these setbacks don’t happen. You get the nutrients you need instantly at a rate of 100%. 

What can I gain from IV vitamin therapy?

Many options for IV therapy can meet your specific needs and specifications. The team at Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness makes personalized recommendations for IV vitamin therapy using formulas that can meet many different wellness goals. 

You might be interested in getting IV vitamin therapy for:

  • Immune support
  • Improved athletic performance and recovery
  • Reduced hangover
  • More energy
  • Migraine and headache relief

Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness offers a specialty IV vitamin therapy formula called physiologic insulin resensitization (PIR) therapy. In addition to the standard benefit of hydration, PIR therapy reduces diabetic neuropathy pain, restores your energy, enhances your mood, and helps control your weight. 

What happens during IV vitamin therapy?

IV vitamin therapy happens in the comfort of the Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness office. The team places a needle and catheter into a vein in your arm connected to an IV drip bag nearby. The fluids slowly seep into your bloodstream through the catheter over the course of roughly 45-60 minutes. 

Leaving the office, you may feel refreshed and energized. However, sometimes the benefits aren’t discernible until a few hours later. The benefits you experience from IV vitamin therapy last for days, and you can achieve them repeatedly by getting regular IV vitamin therapy sessions at Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness. 

Call Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness or schedule a consultation online to review your options for IV vitamin therapy today.