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Diabetic Relief Treatment

Aesthetic & Wellness Center located in Rockville, MD

Coming in 2024


Diabetic neuropathy affects nearly half of all diabetes patients, causing neurological symptoms like pain and loss of coordination. This revolutionary, highly effective neuropathy treatment offers long-lasting relief without drugs or surgery! If you have neuropathy, the team at Illumen Aesthetics and Wellness in Rockville, Maryland, welcomes you to visit for a treatment consultation. Call Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness or schedule an appointment online to learn more today. 

Diabetes Q & A

What are the different types of diabetes?

There are two main types of diabetes, both of which involve high blood sugar. They cause high blood sugar (glucose) because your body either misuses or doesn’t produce insulin, a hormone from your pancreas that converts food into energy and manages your blood glucose levels. 

The team at Illumen Aesthetics and Wellness offers wellness services to treat specific complications of:

Type 2 diabetes which accounts for around 90% of cases and stems from insulin resistance. Either your pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or your cells don’t respond to the hormone. 

What are the possible complications of diabetes?

Diabetes has many possible complications that arise when your blood sugar is uncontrollably high. High blood sugar can damage your organs and tissues, so it’s important to manage your diabetes to keep your blood sugar at a typical level. 

One common diabetes complication is called diabetic neuropathy, which is a form of nerve damage from high blood sugar. Neuropathy causes neurological symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain, often appearing first in your extremities. The team at Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness specializes in neuropathy pain relief treatments. 

How can I manage diabetic neuropathy?

Living with neuropathy can cause challenges in your life, especially if you experience pain, weakness, or a loss of coordination. The team at Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness helps alleviate your neuropathy pain using lifestyle changes and specialized treatment beyond general diabetes care. 

The team provides an infusion service called physiologic insulin resensitization (PIR). The treatment improves your blood sugar regulation while also relieving neuropathy symptoms. PIR hydrates you by delivering fluids and nutrients directly into your bloodstream through an intravenous drip. 

You might also benefit from additional wellness services to fight neuropathy, including acupuncture, relaxation training, or nerve stimulation therapies. 

Call Illumen Aesthetics & Wellness or schedule a treatment consultation online for diabetic pain relief care today.